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2nd Edition

Sound Out Chapter Books Set C1

RRP - $55.41   Our Price - $49.95  Paperback
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Matt Sims

  • Sound Out Chapter Books Set C1

32 pages
Grade Readability: 0 to 1
Interest Age: 7 to 14
ISBN: 9781571283634

Set C-1 includes six books that give practice in all of the skills found in Sets A and B and add new skills.

Three books focus on spelling patterns, inflectional endings, and compound words (Level 5) and three focus on prefixes and suffixes and regularly spelled two-syllable words (Level 6).

Set C-1 includes six books:

3 x level 5 books (level 1-4 skills plus):

  • Contractions (1 and 2 syllables)
  • Spelling patterns (ign, igh, ight, ought, aught)
  • Inflectional endings (-es, -ed, -ing)
  • Final -y as long e, possessives, compound words

3 x level 6 books (level 1-5 skills plus):

  • Prefixes and suffixes
  • Syllabification rules (VCCV,long and short VCV)

Titles include: The Missing Chime, A Night at the Shore, Into the Wild, One Winter Day, Silly Dreamers, The Wooden Box. Ages 7-14.

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