The Sound Out Fiction Collection includes 54 books in 9 sets:
For years we have been hearing from special education teachers who have found the Sound Out Phonics-Based Chapter Books effective in teaching basic reading skills. Designed to follow a skill sequence that gives students multiple opportunities to practice specific phonics skills, your student will 'graduate' from set A-1 to set C-2 with the confidence that comes from a successful reading experience. If your student has a learning disability, or is learning English as a second language, these are the books you have been searching for:
Sets A-1, A-2, A-3 & A-4 each consist of six books, three of which focus on short vowels and three that focus on long vowels. Students with minimal reading skills can read these books from cover-to-cover. They'll have a successful and enjoyable reading experience with lots of decoding practice.
Sets B-1, B-2 & B3 each include six books that give practice in all the decoding skills found in Set A plus two groups of new skills: three of the books focus on consonant blends and digraphs and three focus on diphthongs, controlled vowels, and silent letters. Like Set A, only single-syllable words are included.
Sets C-1 & C-2 each include six books that give practice in all of the skills found in Sets A and B and add new skills. Three books focus on spelling patterns, inflectional endings, and compound words and three focus on prefixes and suffixes and regularly spelled two-syllable words.
"The Sound Out books are totally decodable, the language is not stilted, and they offer upper level comprehension skills like inference and cause and effect."
- Lynn Givens, Connect to Comprehension