The stories in these books feature the characters, Sam, Jim and Augustus (Gus) and Sue, Sam's wife. This full colour illustrated 'Spelling Made Easy At Home' series mirrors exactly the word lists and stories in the Revised Spelling Made Easy Teacher books. At the end of each book there is an additional story by Katy Brand. These books are therefore ideal for children to use at home.
Violet Brand MBE wrote her highly successful 'Spelling Made Easy' series as a result of her work with young adults with reading difficulties between 1975 and 1980. She always maintained that "The multi-sensory methods of teaching have been over-looked and too much emphasis has been placed on learning to spell through visual methods. The ears and the mouth have been forgotten and the power of the hand ignored." Her teaching and writing was always rooted in phonics, which has now become the accepted way to teach reading and spelling. Her classic 'Spelling Made Easy' books were published in 1984 but revised and updated in 2012 and now include the Synthetic Phonics sequence. The stories in her books feature her own characters, Sam, Jim and Augustus (Gus) and Sue, Sam's wife. They have been illustrated for the first time with Violet's approval by leading TV animator Richard Ollive.