Step Up to Writing Fifth Edition is a comprehensive program of multisensory writing strategies that develop students’ ability to create thoughtful, well-written compositions. The solution’s explicit and systematic approach to teaching writing is designed to provide clear strategies, methods, and supports for increased writing success in all content areas. Created for all students, the strategies can be integrated into any curriculum or implemented as a standalone writing solution.
From the most fragile writers to those who are gifted and talented, Step Up to Writing offers content and strategies to meet students at their level and move them forward with variation and differentiation based on each student’s needs throughout 1,100+ strategies, across all four grade bands. Implemented in every grade, Step Up to Writing establishes a common writing approach across grade levels, content areas, and gives all students the benefit of this unique, differentiated, multisensory program.
Step Up to Writing has been updated to help educators explicitly teach every aspect of writing students need to meet state standards. Strategies not only teach the three text types (informative/explanatory, opinion/argumentative, and narrative) but also many of the standards in reading, speaking and listening, and language and literacy standards in history, social studies, science, and technical subjects. Exciting enhancements educators and students can look forward to include:
The Classroom Set includes both the print and online resources required to teach the program.
The Classroom Set provides online access for one teacher to the Online Teacher Resources. These resources include:
For implementation with more than 30 students, purchase additional Handy Pages, one per student.