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Strengths Based Workbook for Stress Relief: A Character Strengths Approach to Finding Calm in the Chaos of Daily Life

$49.95  Paperback
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Ryan M Niemiec

  • Strengths Based Workbook for Stress Relief

232 pages
ISBN: 9781684032808

Find calm in the midst of everyday chaos. This strengths-based workbook offers a unique step-by-step approach grounded in positive psychology to help you reduce chronic stress in a busy, frazzled world.

Chronic stress is a serious problem for many people, and can lead to a host of health and mental health problems, such as heart disease, anxiety, and depression. If you're one of millions who are feeling overworked, overstressed, and overloaded (and chances are, you are!) this much-needed workbook offers a refreshing new approach to help you find peace of mind and start living the life you truly want to live.

In this evidence-based guide, a psychologist offers an innovative strengths-based stress reduction plan grounded in positive psychology. You'll find tips and strategies for identifying your key character strengths: such as perseverance, social intelligence, bravery, self-control, and more; and discover how these strengths can help you cultivate greater happiness, better relationships with others, and improve your overall health.

Character strengths are a unique catalyst for both happiness and stress management. The skills and practices offered in this workbook can be learned by anyone, because the capacity for these strengths exist in everyone - including you!

"In The Strengths-Based Workbook for Stress Relief, Niemiec shows how your strengths can be a resource both for joy and resilience. This workbook will help readers craft a more meaningful and rewarding life, whether they are seeking to amplify what’s good in their lives or find a way through difficult times."
- Kelly McGonigal, PhD, author of The Upside of Stress and The Willpower Instinct

"I’ve worked for decades at the intersection of mind-body health, healing, and stress management. Ryan Niemiec’s book championing the use of character strengths to manage stress is a milestone in mind-body wellness, the first of its kind. It offers a template for shifting how you think about and handle your daily stress. This book is a well-being booster, a resilience enhancer, and a stress manager all in one! At the least, you’ll be freshly empowered to handle your future stressors; and at best, you’ll transform your life while uplifting those around you."
- Joan Borysenko, PhD, New York Times bestselling author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

"In this groundbreaking workbook, Ryan Niemiec takes the reader on a journey of discovery, providing help in identifying their stress and character strengths. This process is linked to a range of excellent tools to tackle stress. At the end of each chapter the Learn, Practice, SHARE section assists in embedding what has been learned. This easy-to-read, positive psychology–informed book takes a self-coaching approach and promotes personal growth and development. This book could possibly change your life."
- Stephen Palmer, PhD, professor of practice at the Wales Institute for Work-Based Learning at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, founder and director of the Centre for Stress Management, and coauthor of How to Deal with Stress

"The Strengths-Based Workbook for Stress Relief provides practical, research-based strategies we can all use to manage the stresses of daily life by using our particular character strengths to cope most effectively, no matter the situation. Readers will not only come away with a solid understand of the science underlying these strategies, but also have the opportunity to directly practice implementing these techniques in their own lives through a series of easy-to-follow guided exercises throughout the book. This engaging workbook is therefore a must-read for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the chaos of daily life and struggles to find happiness."
- Catherine A. Sanderson, PhD, Manwell family professor of life sciences in the department of psychology at Amherst College, and author of The Positive Shift

"As a coach working with clients who face a daily struggle with anxiety and stress, I cannot think of a better way to empower them to find their own path to better mental health than to offer them The Strengths-Based Workbook for Stress Relief. We all face stress and struggles. When stressed, it is hard to imagine that we already have what we need to make things better. Often, we look outside for the source of our stress and for the cure. And yet research shows that we all have innate capacities that help us navigate life’s ups and downs and to handle pressure. The Strengths-Based Workbook for Stress Relief is your guide to discovering and reinforcing those capacities to create a life in which you manage your stress instead of your stress managing you!"
- Ruth Pearce, ACC, JD, PMP, coach, project motivator, and author of Be a Project Motivator