Erna Imperatore Blanche, Gustavo Reinoso, Dominique Blanche Kiefer
The SOSI-M is a standardised assessment of sensory-based motor skills, based in Ayres Clinical Observations, and developed by well-regarded experts in sensory integration.
The SOSI-M includes 14 sets of administered items that assess proprioception, vestibular processing, motor planning, and postural control.
In conjunction with the SOSI-M, the COP-R, a behavioural observation tool, was developed to provide essential information about a child’s proprioceptive processing. The COP-R is comprised of 18 items and compares a child’s observed skills to typical children their age. This tool provides information about the motor and behavioural skills linked to proprioceptive processing. It is one of the first tools to provide a systematic way to measure proprioception in a clinical setting.
The SOSI-M kit includes:
Also included in each kit: A redemption code card for 10 free SOSI-M scoring reports and 10 free COP-R scoring reports from ATPOnline.
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The SOSI-M kit weighs 5kg and comes in a large box so freight cost is $18.95 to ship to most metro locations and more to rural addresses.