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Structuring Success for Substitutes: A Guide for Adminstrators and Teachers

RRP - $61.77   Our Price - $59.05  Softcover (inc CD)
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Randy Sprick

  • Structuring Success for Substitutes

ISBN: 9781599090337

A companion volume to Stepping In: A Substitute's Guide to Managing Classroom Behaviour, this book guides administrators, faculty, and staff through creating and implementing a Substitute Teacher Development Plan for districts, schools, or individual classrooms.

Educators learn how to:

  • Develop and teach consistent, clear expectations for student behaviour with subs
  • Develop consistent, fair responses to misbehaviour
  • Prepare materials, information, support, and education for substitutes

Includes worksheets to guide the development of policies and procedures regarding substitute teachers, sample lesson plans, and a sample Substitute's Notebook that provides the essential information a substitute needs before stepping into a classroom.