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Systematic Supervision: Schoolwide PBS for Everything Elementary

RRP - $586.36   Our Price - $292.73  DVD
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Stephen Smith, Jeffrey Sprague, IRIS Media Inc

  • Systematic Supervision

Train your whole school community - staff, students, and parents. Each video module shows how to apply Systematic Supervision in a specific setting and presents vignettes that demonstrate both positive and negative examples of addressing student behavior. Six modules equal 70-minutes total run time. A 30-page viewer guide provides content summaries and links to illustrated handouts, tip sheets, posters, behavior logs, and checklists.

4 Staff Modules

Teachers and paraprofessionals learn to implement Systematic Supervision in these settings:

  • Classrooms
  • Common Areas
  • Hallways
  • Cafeterias
  • Restrooms
  • Playgrounds
  • School Buses

Student Module

Play it Safe shows students how to be safe, responsible, and respectful at school and on the bus.

Family Module

Introduce the concepts of Positive Behavior Support to parents and strengthen the home-school connection.


Elementary teachers, paraprofessionals, students, and parents.