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Talisman 1 Series: 10 book set

RRP - $86.36   Our Price - $81.77  Set
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Tami Reis-Frankfort

  • Talisman 1 Series

Interest Age: 8 to 14
ISBN: 9781907170102

Zak’s adventures begin when his Grandpa gives him a talisman with special powers. From this day on, Zak’s life is never the same again. Catch-up readers for ages 8 to 14.

Ten books introducing alternative vowel spellings. Starting with the sound ‘ae’, each of the 10 books in the first series introduces one phoneme and its alternative spellings.

  • Book 1: The Talisman (ay, ai, a, a-e, ea, ey)
  • Book 2: Stampede! (ee, ea, y, e, ie, e-e, ei)
  • Book 3: Shadow in the River (ow, oa, oe, o-e, o)
  • Book 4: Deep Sea Danger (er, ir, ur, or, ear)
  • Book 5: Hounded in the Snow (ow, ou & oi, oy)
  • Book 6: Death at Noon (oo, ue, u-e, ew, ou, u)
  • Book 7: A Cry in the Dark (igh, ie, i-e, i, y)
  • Book 8: Attack at Nightfall (a, aw, awe, au, al, ough)
  • Book 9: Mountain Scare (air, are, ear, ere, eir)
  • Book 10: The Dark Master (ar)

Shares the same phonic progression as the Dragon Eggs, Rescue and Island Adventure Series and can be used in parallel.

Progress to Titan’s Gauntlets with more alternative vowel, consonant spellings and common Latin Suffixes and then move to the Talisman 2 Series which introduces further alternative vowel, consonant spellings, and common Latin suffixes.

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img_1006619Talisman 1 Series
10 book set