Table of Contents
Section 1: This is Tom! Session Plans:
Chapter 1 Talkabout Targets – Thinking About Others
- Feelings Board
- Activity One: Name that thought
- Activity Two: Do you find?
- Activity Three: Group Rules
- Activity Four: This is Tom!
- Activity Five: Who am I?
- Activity Six: This is Mary!
- Activity Seven: Things in Common: Tom and Mary
- Activity Eight: Things in Common
- Activity Nine: Stand Up If…
- Activity Ten: Things in Common
- Activity Eleven: Find Someone Who
- Activity Twelve: Our Group
Section 2: Thoughts Session Plans:
- Chapter 2 Feelings Board
- Activity One: Name that thought!
- Activity Two: What is a thought?
- Activity Three: Things I like to think about
- Activity Four: Things I like to think about
- Activity Five: What do you think about…?
- Activity Six: How much I think about…
- Activity Seven: How much I think about things
- Activity Eight: Two Way Thinking
- Activity Nine: Our thoughts about…
- Activity Ten: How can we tell what people are thinking?
- Activity Eleven: Are you seeing what I’m seeing?
- Activity Twelve: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
- Activity Thirteen: Can you see what I’m thinking?
- Activity Fourteen: Can you see what I’m thinking?
- Activity Fifteen: Spot the thought!
- Activity Sixteen: Good thought or bad thought?
- Activity Seventeen: Snapshot!
- Activity Eighteen: Same or Different Thought?
Section 3: Feelings Session Plans:
- Chapter 3 Feelings Board
- Activity One: Name that feeling
- Activity Two: Feelings
- Activity Three: Feelings Alphabet
- Activity Four: In the manner of the word
- Activity Five: How can we tell how someone is feeling?
- Activity Six: Freeze Frame Game
- Activity Seven: How Tom and Mary feel
- Activity Eight: How we feel
- Activity Nine: How I Feel
Section 4: Actions Session Plans:
- Chapter 4 Feelings board
- Activity One: Name That Action!
- Activity Two: What is an Action?
- Activity Three: My actions
- Activity Four: How actions make me feel
- Activity Five: How feelings make me act
- Activity Six: Tom’s actions and feelings
- Activity Seven: How would we feel?
- Activity Eight: Tell Me Why
- Activity Nine: Captain Action!
Section 5: Thoughts, Feelings and Actions Session Plans:
- Chapter 5 Feelings Board
- Activity One: Tom’s Thoughts, Feelings and Actions
- Activity Two: Thoughts, Feelings and Actions
- Activity Three: My thoughts, feelings and actions
- Activity Four: Tom’s Bad Day
- Activity Five: I only speak the truth
- Activity Six: To say or not to say?
- Activity Seven: Thinking thoughts and saying all sorts
- Activity Eight: Think before you speak
- Activity Nine: What would I say to you?
- Activity Ten: If I tell you that…
Section 6: Knowledge and Beliefs Session Plans:
- Chapter 6 Feelings board
- Activity One: Knowledge Quiz
- Activity Two: Knowledge
- Activity Three: What do I know?
- Activity Four: What do we know?
- Activity Five: I know you don’t know
- Activity Six: I know you don’t know
- Activity Seven: Types of Knowledge
- Activity Eight: Types of knowledge in our group
- Activity Nine: "They don’t know they know we know…"
- Activity Ten: What I know
- Activity Eleven: Guessing
- Activity Twelve: What can you guess about me?
- Activity Thirteen: Clues I could Use to make a Good Guess
- Activity Fourteen: Thinking About Tom’s perfect day
- Activity Fifteen: Consequences
- Activity Sixteen: How do we improve our knowledge about people?
- Activity Seventeen: Fact or Opinion? / Fact or no fact?
- Activity Eighteen: Differing Opinions
- Activity Nineteen: Giving Opinions
- Activity Twenty: Beliefs
- Activity Twenty-one: My box of beliefs
- Activity Twenty-two: Impact of beliefs
- Activity Twenty-three: Using our knowledge
- Activity Twenty-four: Time to talk
- Activity Twenty-five: What are intentions?
- Activity Twenty-six: Good or bad intentions
- Activity Twenty-seven: Spotting intentions
- Activity Twenty-eight: My intentions
Section 7: Respect Session Plans:
- Chapter 7 Feelings board
- Activity One: What is empathy and sympathy?
- Activity Two: Putting yourself in their shoes.
- Activity Three: Showing Empathy and Sympathy
- Activity Four: What is respect?
- Activity Five: Who do you respect?
- Activity Six: Find out what it means to me.
- Activity Seven: Showing respect by age.
- Activity Eight: Showing respect by place.
- Activity Nine: Showing respect by person.
- Activity Ten: Showing respect to myself
- Activity Eleven: This is Me!