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Target Ladders Developing Co-ordination

$39.95  Softcover (inc CD)
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Sharon Drew, Kate Ruttle

  • Target Ladders Developing Co-ordination

84 pages
ISBN: 9781855036017

Written by two of the leading experts in developmental co-ordination difficuilties, this latest addition to the popular Target Ladders series is a practical book filled with strategies and activities. The book focuses on what a child can do, rather than what they cannot do, in order to identify next steps. It presents ‘small steps’ targets for children, provides a system for setting & monitoring targets and suggests strategies and activities you may find helpful in order to achieve the targets.

The Target Ladders books aim to support you in the following ways:

  • Focusing on what a child can do, rather than what they cannot do, in order to identify next steps
  • Presenting ‘small steps’ targets for children
  • Suggesting strategies and activities you may find helpful in order to achieve the targets
  • Giving you the information you need to use your professional judgement and understanding of the child in determining priorities for learning
  • Recognising that every child is different and will follow their own pathway through the targets
  • Giving you an overview of the range of difficulties experienced by children with a particular SEN. Not all children will experience all of the difficulties, but once you know and understand the implications of the SEN, it gives you a better understanding of each child’s learning priorities
  • Providing a system for setting and monitoring targets