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Teaching Students with Communication Disorders: Evidence-Based Strategies to Meet Learners’ Needs

$124.5  Set
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Courtney Seidel, Trici Schraeder

  • Teaching Students with Communication Disorders


Best Practices: Teaching Students with Communication Disorders is an essential professional development tool for all special educators.

This professional training resource has sessions in each of the following five areas:

  • Making Learning Meaningful and Rewarding (social and tangible rewards, communication temptations, mass and distributed practice)
  • Meeting the Learner’s Needs (cloze technique, pause time, minimal pair contrasts, checking for understanding, and self-correction)
  • Scaffolds and Supports (chunk and chain, modeling and imitation, scripts, carrier phrases, expansions and extensions)
  • Clear Expectations/Consistent Feedback (clear objective, specific verbal praise, general verbal praise, specific corrective feedback, general corrective feedback)
  • Maximizing Time/Focused Learning (foreshadowing, attending cue, evoked production, redirection, reactive conflict resolution)

Contains Laminated reference guides for each topic, QR codes link to videos, PDFs, and PowerPoints and assessments to test your knowledge at the end of each training piece.

On completion generates a Certificate of Completion to share with administrators.