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Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability and Autism: Training Resource to Enhance Instructional Procedures and Student Outcomes

$124.5  Set
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Ginevra Courtade

  • Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability and Autism


Best Practices: Teaching Students with Intellectual Disability and Autism is an essential professional development tool for all special educators.

This professional training has sessions in each of the following five areas:

  • Time Delay is a systematic and errorless instructional procedure in which a prompt is provided after a certain interval of time and naturally fades.
  • System of Least Prompts is a strategy in which a teacher progresses through a prompting hierarchy (starting with the least intrusive to the most intrusive) in order to elicit a correct student response.
  • Model-Lead-Test provides students with multiple opportunities to practice a new skill with direct teacher involvement.
  • Embedded Instruction is explicit, systematic instruction designed to give students instructional trials within the ongoing routines and activities of the students’ day.
  • Task Analytic Instruction is the process of breaking down a skill or behavior into steps in order to teach one step at a time.

Contains Laminated reference guides for each topic, QR codes link to videos, PDFs, and PowerPoints and assessments to test your knowledge at the end of each training piece.

On completion generates a Certificate of Completion to share with administrators.