Twice-exceptional (2e) learners have often been misunderstood, disciplined, unchallenged, and left behind. Even as awareness of 2e students has grown, educators are still in need of practical tools to recognise and support their twice-exceptional students. Teaching Twice-Exceptional Learners in Today’s Classroom answers that need, providing teachers with accessible information about twice-exceptional diagnoses and suggested accommodations, modifications, and collaboration with other educational professionals.
Dedicated to the needs of all 2e students, the first part of the book covers identifying and understanding 2e students, strength-based instruction, motivation and self-regulation, and executive functioning skills. The second part details how gifted students are affected by another diagnosis, including:
This book equips educators with information that will make it easier for them to advocate for their 2e students, including what they need to know about the individualised education plan (IEP) and Section 504 plan process. Special topics, such as gifted students with physical disabilities, students experiencing trauma, and gifted learners from diverse backgrounds, are also included.
With Teaching Twice-Exceptional Learners in Today’s Classroom, educators can better identify, support, and meet the needs of their 2e students.
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Front Matter
Part 1 Supporting All Twice-Exceptional Learners 7
Chapter 1 Understanding Twice-Exceptional Learners 8
Chapter 2 Designing Strength-Based Instruction for Twice-Exceptional Learners 34
Chapter 3 Social and Emotional Needs of Twice-Exceptional Learners 53
Chapter 4 Motivating Twice-Exceptional Learners 73
Chapter 5 Goal-Setting for Twice-Exceptional Learners 99
Chapter 6 Executive Functioning 112
Part 2 Interventions for Twice-Exceptional Learners 127
Chapter 7 Academic Diagnoses: Specific Learning Disabilities 128
Chapter 8 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 147
Chapter 9 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 160
Chapter 10 Processing Difficulties 182
Chapter 11 Anxiety and Related Disorders 191
Chapter 12 Depression and Other Mood Disorders 207
Chapter 13 The Neurodiverse Classroom 219
References and Resources 223
Index 228
About the Author 235
"As someone who received a formal diagnosis of ADHD at thirty-seven years old, thirty years after being identified as a gifted and talented student in Brooklyn, NY, I am deeply grateful for Emily's efforts to shine a light on how to serve students like me who think a bit differently. By focusing on 'progress, not perfection, ' she has created a practical, yet powerful way to bring new partners into this mission and push the rest of us to deepen our understanding of the challenges and benefits of twice-exceptionality and to recognize the boundless untapped potential in students who are told they are defective because their brilliance diverges from the norm."
- Colin Seale, Founder and CEO of thinkLaw and author of Thinking Like a Lawyer: A Framework for Teaching Critical Thinking to All Students
"Every teacher of the gifted needs this book! Emily Kircher-Morris has done a fantastic job of combining research and practice to provide doable supports for twice-exceptional learners. You are sure to find practical tools and strategies mapped out in all the chapters. She includes templates, methods, and techniques to ensure our 2e students find success."
- Richard M. Cash, Ed.D., educator of the gifted, author, and consultant, nRich Educational Consulting, Inc.
"Emily Kircher-Morris draws from both experience and research in putting together this strikingly practical toolkit. Packed with case examples, information, and strategies to support the many types of 2e learners, this book is a great addition to any parent or educator's library."
- Edward R. Amend, Psy.D., clinical psychologist, The Amend Group, Lexington, KY
"Teaching Twice-Exceptional Leaners in Today's Classroom is a book that every educator needs, whether they teach special education or general education. It not only offers a structured, insightful look into learners who are so often overlooked, but also practical tools and actionable advice alongside compelling stories of and from twice-exceptional students."
- Amanda Morin, Associate Director of Thought Leadership & Expertise, Understood, and author of The Everything Parent's Guide to Special Education
"Teaching Twice-Exceptional Learners in Today's Classrooms is a comprehensive and user-friendly guide to understanding, supporting, educating, and serving twice-exceptional students not only in the classroom, but also in life. This book is filled with strategies for capitalizing on strengths while improving the motivation, organization, and engagement of twice-exceptional learners. We will be recommending this guide to all of our clients."
- Dan Peters, Ph.D., licensed psychologist, co-founder and executive director, Summit Center