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Tell a Trusted Adult

RRP - $81.77   Our Price - $54.5  Cards (inc DR)
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Sharon Hynes, Katerina Meda Australian author

  • Tell a Trusted Adult

35 pages
Interest Age: 3 to 10

Tools to empower kids in challenging situations.

An essential aspect of social and emotional learning is empowering children to stay safe. By teaching them to recognise their body signals or early warning signs, we can help them respond to challenging situations.

Tell a Trusted Adult is the perfect resource for supporting early learning educators, primary teachers, parents and anyone working with children and families.

Teaching child safety is a responsibility that teachers in Australia (and in many other countries) have as a requirement of the curriculum. An important aspect of this social and emotional learning is empowering children to stay safe from abuse by teaching them to recognise their body signals or ‘early warning signs’. But many educators, family workers and parents are wondering how to teach child safety, and what key body signals to focus on?

Using beautiful, gentle, original artwork, Tell a Trusted Adult is a resource for supporting early learning educators, primary teachers, parents and anyone who supports children and families, to explore safety and unsafety with children in ways that are accessible, fun and effective. Consisting of beautifully illustrated cards that identify pairs of body signals and a range of emotions associated with safety and unsafety, children learn how to interpret and respond to these signs. Most importantly of all, they learn the key message to ‘Tell a trusted adult’ when they feel unsafe, anxious or worried.

The card set includes 13 pairs and 9 activity cards, plus a booklet. The cards in supporting cards (such as Game time, Circle time and Art time) featuring simple, fun activities that teachers and parents can pull out of the pack and use immediately with children. This resource is designed specifically to support children with low literacy levels, those who are visual learners and individuals from a culturally and linguistically diverse background. The resource is effective in building social and emotional literacy in children.

Created by experienced educators who are actively engaged in classroom education now, you can purchase this resource in two ways: the card set on its own or as part of an integrated kit. This resource is an integral tool for working with children and can be used in classrooms, groups, or one-on-one conversations.

Digital Resources

Each card pack comes with free access to an online toolbox of extras. The Digital Toolbox includes:

  • a digital version of the booklet.
  • access to a digital set of the cards that you can download and use anywhere, anytime.
  • ideas banks, blogs, card hack videos, interviews and other support material.