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Test of Handwriting Skills Revised (THS-R)

$335.91  Kit
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Michael Milone

  • Test of Handwriting Skills Revised (THS-R)

The THS-R is an untimed, clinical assessment of neurosensory integration skills evident in handwriting (both manuscript and cursive) that are often disrupted in students with learning difficulties. The THS-R provides standardized assessment of children's handwriting ability for both manuscript and cursive styles that can be used with any of the popular handwriting programs (such as Palmer, Zaner-Bloser, D'Nealian). The THS-R is not a classroom assessment of penmanship.

Results of the THS-R can be used to: identify neurosensory integration problems, monitor progress of students with disabilities, determine if neurosensory integration difficulties are contributing to students' learning problems and guide instructional or rehabilitation practices

The Manual now provides guidance on how the THS-R can be used for progress monitoring. Also included is a video tutorial to assist practitioners in the scoring process. Subtest scores are reported as scaled scores and percentile ranks, and an Overall standard score has been added. The THS-R was normed on 1,500 U.S. individuals.

THS-R Test Kit includes: manual, 15 manuscript test booklets, 15 cursive test booklets, 30 Record Forms & Training Video.

Also, available separately are the reproducible Practical Guides to Handwriting: Cursive and Manuscript which provide numerous exercises for students who may be experiencing visual-motor difficulties.