The Ant Patrol® posters are valuable learning tools for homes and classrooms. The posters visually reinforce the learning of key skills introduced throughout The Ant Patrol® Children’s Stories. Each poster includes a self-instructional script that guides a child’s thinking and actions. Skills targeted include helpful self-talk, focused listening, control of ‘bounce’, waiting, helpful thinking, a plan for focused and productive work, social awareness, social perspective taking, and calming routines to help manage anger and worry. The posters feature a common language of support in guiding the development of proactive learning, and social and emotional skills.
Set contains 13 A4 posters: 297 x 420mm (A4), Digitally Printed 250g Gloss Art.
The 13-posters in the pack are:
Each poster is 297 x 420mm (A4), Digitally Printed 250g Gloss Art.