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The Anti-Test Anxiety Society

RRP - $19.05   Our Price - $18.14  Paperback
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Julia Cook, Anita DuFalla

  • The Anti-Test Anxiety Society

32 pages
Interest Age: 7 to 11
ISBN: 9781937870300

Bertha Billingsworth (BB for short) is basically a happy person…until she has to take a test. To her, the word test stands for Terrible Every Single Time, because that’s how she does on them…TERRIBLE!

“Whenever I see or hear the word test…

The hair on the back of my neck stands up.

My face turns as red as a beet.

I start to sweat, my stomach aches,

and I can’t control my feet!

What if I get every answer wrong?

And I don’t get any right.

I just know I’ll get a bad grade on this test,

so I don’t even want to try!”

BB’s teacher comes to the rescue by inviting her to become a member of the Anti-Test Anxiety Society. She tells BB that TEST stands for Think Each Situation Through! She also ends up teaching BB the Dynamic Dozen (12 amazing test taking strategies), and convinces her to use her “GET TO” brain instead of her “HAVE TO” brain. Now when BB takes a test, she is calm and focused and thanks to her teacher, the Terrible now stands for Terrific!

"This book is a must for any parent and professional working with school-aged youth! The youth of today face so many pressures to perform beginning at such a young age. This book sends a critical message of hope and empowerment by offering practical strategies to embrace and overcome their test taking anxiety. A must read for any student and classroom!"
- Melissa A. Louvar Reeves, School Psychologist, Licensed Professional Counselor, and University Lecturer

"I'm a school counsellor and used this for lessons for third grade before our state test! My favourite part is that is helps create a discussion with students about how they experience test anxiety in their bodies. Also gives a great 12 tips for testing. Would recommend"
- Ann Musselman, School Counsellor