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2nd Edition

The Anxiety Workbook for Teens: activities to help you deal with anxiety & worry

RRP - $37.23   Our Price - $36.32  Paperback
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Lisa M Schab

  • The Anxiety Workbook for Teens

232 pages
Interest Age: 13 to 19
ISBN: 9781684038633

From managing social media stress to dealing with pandemics and other events beyond your control, this fully revised and updated edition of The Anxiety Workbook for Teens has the tools you need to put anxiety in its place.

In our increasingly uncertain world, there are plenty of reasons for anyone to feel anxious. And as a teen, you’re also dealing with academic stress, social and societal pressures, and massive changes taking place in your body, brain, and emotions. The good news is that there are a lot of effective techniques you can use—both on your own and with the help of a therapist or counsellor—to reduce your feelings of anxiety and keep them from taking over your life.

Now fully revised and updated, this second edition of The Anxiety Workbook for Teens provides the most up-to-date strategies for managing fear, anxiety, and worry, so you can reach your goals and be your best. You’ll find new skills to help you handle school pressures and social media overload, develop a positive self-image, recognise your anxious thoughts, and stay calm in times of extreme uncertainty. The workbook also includes resources for seeking additional help and support if you need it.

While working through the activities in this book, you’ll find tons of ways to help you both prevent and handle your anxiety. Some of the activities may seem unusual at first. You may be asked to try doing things that are very new to you. Just remember—these are tools, intended for you to carry with you and use over and over throughout your life. The more you practice using them, the better you will become at managing anxiety.

If you’re ready to change your life for the better and get your anxiety under control, this workbook can help you start today.

Table of Contents

Dear Reader v

To Parents, Professionals, and All Helping Adults vii

Activity 1 About Anxiety 1

Activity 2 Your Fight-Flight-Freeze Response 5

Activity 3 How You Experience Anxiety 9

Activity 4 Your Anxiety Patterns 13

Activity 5 Prevention and Intervention 18

Activity 6 Peace Is Already Within You 22

Activity 7 The Power of Attitude 25

Activity 8 Worrying Is Worthless 29

Activity 9 All-or-Nothing Thinking 32

Activity 10 Overgeneralizing 36

Activity 11 "Should" Statements 39

Activity 12 Thought Stopping 42

Activity 13 What's the Worst That Could Happen? 49

Activity 14 Cost-Benefit Analysis 54

Activity 15 Perfectionism 58

Activity 16 Pressure to Succeed 62

Activity 17 Letting Go of Control 68

Activity 18 Positive Affirmations 71

Activity 19 Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom 76

Activity 20 Seeing the Bigger Picture 80

Activity 21 Talking; It Out 85

Activity 22 Writing It Out 89

Activity 23 Eating and Anxiety 93

Activity 24 More Exercise, Less Anxiety 98

Activity 25 Progressive Relaxation 103

Activity 26 Centering Yourself 107

Activity 27 Mindfulness 110

Activity 28 Grounding Techniques 114

Activity 29 Self-Soothing 119

Activity 30 Using Your Breath 123

Activity 31 Visualization 128

Activity 32 Meditation 133

Activity 33 A Higher Power 137

Activity 34 Problem Solving 142

Activity 35 It's a Cinch By the Inch 148

Activity 36 Take a Tech Break 152

Activity 37 Staying Organized 159

Activity 38 Balancing and Managing Time 165

Activity 39 Separating Yourself From Other People's Problems 171

Activity 40 Unexpressed Anger 177

Activity 41 Managing Panic 181

Activity 42 Managing Fears and Phobias 186

Activity 43 Test Anxiety 192

Activity 44 Managing Stressful Public Events 200

Activity 45 Help Yourself By Helping Others 207

Activity 46 Future Challenges 212