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5th Edition

The Gifted Teen Survival Guide: Smart, Sharp, and Ready for (Almost) Anything

RRP - $49.05   Our Price - $45.41  Paperback
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Judy Galbraith, Jim Delisle

  • The Gifted Teen Survival Guide

272 pages
Interest Age: 13 to 18
ISBN: 9781631986789

Support the social, emotional, and educational needs of gifted students with the fifth edition of The Gifted Teen Survival Guide, a one-of-a-kind book full of sage advice to help teens understand themselves, relate well with others, and reach their potential in life.

The fifth edition continues to be the ultimate teen guide to thriving in a world that doesn’t always support or understand high ability. Based on surveys from more than 1,400 teens, The Gifted Teen Survival Guide covers the topics that gifted teens want and need to know about. Full of surprising facts, cutting-edge research, revealing quizzes and survey results, step-by-step strategies, inspiring quotes and stories, and insightful expert essays, the guide gives readers the tools they need to appreciate their giftedness as an asset and use it to make the most of who they are.

The fifth edition has been revised to meet the needs of gifted students today, including updated information about changes in education and in society, such as:

  • the thinking about twice-exceptionality and multiple intelligences
  • terminology of autism spectrum disorder
  • equity in gifted programs and under served gifted students
  • home schooling
  • gender and sexuality
  • mental health

Other revisions in the fifth edition include:

  • New research findings about brain development in gifted teens
  • A wealth of additional resources including books, publications, associations, programs, websites, and much more
  • Sections on concepts such as mindfulness, meditation, introversion, and intensities
  • Exploration into school-related topics, such as online schooling, taking a gap year after high school, going to college, and finding scholarships
  • Up-to-date guidelines for socialising online and using social media

With more than a quarter million copies in print, The Gifted Teen Survival Guide is essential reading for gifted teens, their parents, teachers, counsellors, and anyone who cares about smart, talented, curious young people.