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The Highly Effective Teacher: 7 Classroom-Tested Practices That Foster Student Success

$47.23  Paperback
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Jeff C Marshall

  • The Highly Effective Teacher

136 pages
ISBN: 9781416621683

What are the secrets to unlocking student success? And what can teachers do to get better at helping students develop deep understanding of content, attain higher-order thinking skills, and become secure, confident, and capable learners?

In this book, teacher and professor Jeff Marshall showcases how teaching with intentionality answers these questions. Specifically, he introduces the Teacher Intentionality Practice Scale (TIPS), a framework for both supporting and measuring effective teaching. Taken together, the framework's seven TIPs provide a research-based, classroom-tested guide to help teachers:

  • create coherent, connected lessons
  • use strategies and resources, including technology, that truly enhance learning
  • organise a safe, respectful learning environment;
  • develop challenging and rigourous learning experiences
  • promote interactive, thoughtful learning
  • nurture a creative, problem-solving classroom culture
  • deliver feedback and formative assessment that inform teaching and learning.

Marshall's needs-assessment instrument can help teachers, working independently or in a cohort, determine the best starting point for improving their practice. Practical, straightforward rubrics for each TIP describe the various levels of teacher proficiency. Based on his own teaching experience and observations in hundreds of classrooms, Marshall also offers action tips for each framework component and a list of resources for further study.

Written for teachers and leaders at all levels and in all content areas, The Highly Effective Teacher is a guidebook for thoughtful, intentional teaching with one goal: success for all students, in every classroom.

Table of Contents




Needs Assessment: What Do You Need Most?

TIP 1: Coherent, Connected Learning Progression

TIP 2: Strategies, Resources, and Technologies That Enhance Learning

TIP 3: Safe, Respectful, Well-Organized Learning Environment

TIP 4: Challenging, Rigorous Learning Experiences

TIP 5: Interactive, Thoughtful Learning

TIP 6: Creative, Problem-Solving Culture

TIP 7: Monitoring, Assessment, and Feedback That Guide and Inform Instruction and Learning

Conclusion: Moving Forward


  • Appendix A: Teacher Intentionality of Practice Scale (TIPS)
  • Appendix B: Resources and Bibliography
