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The Leader I'll Be Set: 4 Book Set

RRP - $77.59   Our Price - $68.14  Set
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Julia Cook, Kyle Merriman

  • The Leader I'll Be Set

Interest Age: 5 to 11

A great set of 4 storybooks from award-winning author and parenting expert Julia Cook. The Leader I’ll Be” series and will teach children, especially aimed at girls, the importance of self-reliance & virtues such as honesty, honour, courage, authenticity, respect, responsibility, and restraint.

Included at the end of the story are tips for parents and educators to help reinforce these values.

The titles included in this set are:

  • The Great Compromise - Cora Jane knows exactly what she wants & often gets it! But can she learn to compromise with a classmate who challenges her?
  • Good Things Come to Those Who Wait - Learning to Show Self-Control and Practice Delayed Gratification
  • I in Integrity - A story about learning the importance of using integrity and doing the right thing.
  • It's My Way or the Highway - Cora June is B-O-S-S-Y! Will anyone put the breaks on her outlandish demands?
Item MediaPrice
img_8515The Leader I'll Be Set
4 Book Set
img_1007889The Great Compromise
img_2009062Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
img_3008182The I in Integrity
img_4007362It's My Way or the Highway
Turning Bossy Into Flexible and Assertive