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2nd Edition

The Power Cards Strategy: Using Special Interests to Motivate Children and Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder

RRP - $31.06   Our Price - $18.14  Paperback
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Elisa Gagnon, Brenda Smith Myles

  • The Power Cards Strategy

94 pages
Interest Age: 3 to 10
ISBN: 9781942197263

The Power Card Strategy, first introduced in 2001, has become even more relevant today given exciting and ongoing research in the areas of motivation and special interests, as they are related to autism. This totally new edition of the original book gives a parent or teacher or therapist an abundance of examples of how a Power Card might be used, as well as clear explanations of possible learning styles that might benefit from this strategy. A Power Card is a low cost, positive and easy approach to teaching successful social solutions to common social problems. Rather than ignoring or discouraging a child or adolescent's passion, the Power Card encourages its' use in building relationships and motivating a reluctant student

img_6201The Power Cards Strategy
Using Special Interests to Motivate Children and Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder
img_11118Power Cards
Using interests and enthusiasms to teach social problem solving and emotional regulation skills to autistic students