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The Routledge Companion to Dyslexia

$80.9  Paperback
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Gavin Reid

  • The Routledge Companion to Dyslexia

362 pages
ISBN: 9780415430791

The Routledge Companion to Dyslexia is a ground-breaking analysis of the whole field of dyslexia by a distinguished team of international contributors and editors, engaged in literacy, inclusion and learning. Their diverse perspectives and wide expertise make this invaluable guide one of the most important additions to the field of dyslexia for over a decade.

Dyslexia is without doubt the most high profile and contentious learning difficulty, and it is a topic that has attracted a vast amount of research, opinion, professional schisms, and debate. The Companion provides an invaluable overview of the field of dyslexia with vital and clear emphasis on linking theoretical perspectives with best practice. This accessible text:

  • presents a survey of current and future development in research, with a focus on how research can inform practice
  • focuses on areas such as neurobiology, phonological processing, literacy acquisition, numeracy and multilingualism
  • considers assessment and identification, with contributions on early identification, reading, spelling and mathematics
  • addresses identifying and meeting needs in an inclusive context
  • discusses inclusion and barriers to learning in a variety of different national contexts
  • includes models of instruction, direct instruction, co-operative learning and cross-curricular learning.

The Routledge Companion to Dyslexia is a superb resource for anyone interested in the subject, whether in education or related subjects such as psychology or neurology. Fully indexed and cross-referenced, with helpful further reading sections at the end of each entry, it is ideal for those coming to the field of dyslexia for the first time as well as students and practitioners already familiar with the subject.

Table of Contents


Introduction to the handbook

Part 1. Research - current and future developments

1.Dyslexia - an overview of recent research, John Everatt, and Gavin Reid.

2. Dyslexia and IQ: From Research to Practice, Gad Elbeheri and John Everatt

3. Dyslexia and Cognitive Skills, Rod Nicolson and Angela Fawcett

4. Dyslexia and Glue Ear Syndrome, Lindsay Peer

5. Visual Stress and Dyslexia, Chris Singleton

Part 2. Dimensions of Dyslexia

6. The Role of Early Identification Models from Practice, Deborah Knight, Kim Day

7. The Role of Early Identification Models from Research and Practice, Margaret Crombie, Gavin Reid

8. Identification and Assessment of dyslexia and planning for learning, Gavin Reid and Janice Wearmouth

9. Extending Literacy Skills issues for practice, David Wray

10. Spelling: Development, Assessment and Instruction, Malt Joshi and Suzanne Carreker

11. Dyscalculia and Learning Difficulties in Mathematics, Steve Chinn

12. Phonological Awareness in Reading Disabilities Remediation:Some General Issues, Charley Haynes and Abdesetar Mahfoudhi

13. Alternative and innovative interventions for Dyslexia a critical commentary, Gavin Reid and Angela Fawcett

Part 3. Identifying and Meeting Needs in an Inclusive Context Inclusion and

the barriers to learning

14. How compatible is the recognition of dyslexia with inclusive education? Brahm Norwich

15. Identifying and overcoming the barriers to learning in an inclusive context, Gavin Reid and Fil Came

16. Dyslexia in the Secondary School: Improving whole school achievement through dyslexia aware best practice, Neil Mackay

17. School-wide professional development to raise students literacy levels at Clyde Quay School, Wellington, New Zealand, Sue Clement

18. Dyslexia: Overcoming the barriers of transition, Vicky Hunter

19. Overcoming the barriers to literacy: An integrated, contextual workshop approach, Jennifer Drysdale

20. The implications of students' perspectives on dyslexia for school Improvement, Barbara Riddick

Part 4. Identifying and Meeting Needs in further, higher education and the workplace

21. The Development of Protocols for assessment and intervention at university for students with dyslexia, Jay Kirkland

22.Reading Comprehension Solutions for College Students with Dyslexia in an Era of Technology: An Integrated Approach, Noel Gregg and Manju Baner

Chapter 23 Dyslexia: Meeting the needs of employers and employees in the workplace, David McLaughlin and Carol Leather

Part 5. Diversity, culture and language

24. Dyslexia and foreign language learning, Elke Schneider

25. Reading and Dyslexia in Arabic, Abdessatar Mahfoudhi, Gad Elbeheri, John Everatt

26. Reading and Reading Disabilities in Spanish and Spanish-English Contexts, Charles W. Haynes, Angela Ayre, Brad Haynes, Abdessatar Mahfoudhi

27. Responsive approaches to literacy learning within cultural contexts, Mere Berryman and Janice Wearmouth