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The Selective Mutism Combo: Manual & Workbook

RRP - $171.81   Our Price - $137.73  Set
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Maggie Johnson, Junhua Reitman

  • The Selective Mutism Combo

264 pages

Save and purchase The Selective Mutism Resource Manual with the long-awaited companion workbook.

For anyone who needs to understand, assess or manage selective mutism, this is a comprehensive and practical manual that is grounded in behavioural psychology and anxiety management and draws on relevant research findings as well as the authors' extensive clinical experience. Now in its second edition this essential resource includes new material for adolescents and adults. It contains a wealth of ideas on assessment and management in home, school and community settings and a huge range of printable online handouts and other resources.

Plus the long-awaited companion workbook to the The Selective Mutism Resource Manual:

  • straightforward self-help guide for parents and staff
  • helps to formulate an action plan a round up of tried and tested activities easy to read workbook format This workbook offer practical support and encouragement from an experienced clinician and parents of children with SM around the globe.
Item MediaPrice
img_10729The Selective Mutism Combo
Manual & Workbook
img_1006188The Selective Mutism Resource Manual
Spiral Bound$90.86Cart+
img_2010712The Selective Mutism Workbook for Parents and Professio
Small Steps, Big Changes