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The Social Skills Picture Book: Teaching play, emotion & communication to children with autism

$69.95  Softcover
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Jed Baker

  • The Social Skills Picture Book

197 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 12
ISBN: 9781885477910

In 2001, based on the success of the Social Skills Training Project, Dr. Baker wrote The Social Skills Picture Book, designed for young children with social challenges. The Social Skills Picture Book immediately zoomed to the top of the chart in books on autism and Asperger’s because it provides a teaching tool that “engages the attention and motivation of students who need help learning appropriate social skills,”.

It demonstrates through pictures nearly 30 social skills, such as conversation, play, emotion management and empathy. “Children of all ages learn more effectively when pictures are used to supplement verbal descriptions and instructions,” Baker contends. “It’s particularly effective, or most helpful, when people build their own picture books, because they can see themselves in the book.”

The book is not only valuable for autistic children. “We’ve discovered that what is helpful for kids with autism is also helpful for most kids,” explains Baker. “That’s because breaking down skills into basic components is a good way for all to learn social skills...” explains Baker. “If a child is not initiating play, talking to or looking at his peers, he may need parental and/or professional intervention, the earlier the better.”

Most children need and usually want social skills to make friends, and, often, their level of happiness and productivity is dependant on these fundamentals. The Social Skills Picture Book attempts to teach these critical social skills by visually showing children what to do.