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2nd Edition

The Teacher's Encyclopedia of Behavior Management: 100+ Problems/500+ Plans

RRP - $194.5   Our Price - $163.59  Softcover
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Randy Sprick

  • The Teacher's Encyclopedia of Behavior Management

888 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 18
ISBN: 9781599090504

Since the first edition appears in 1995, thousands of teachers have come to rely on the effective interventions presented in Dr. Randy Sprick’s Teacher’s Encyclopedia of Behavior Management to help them create and maintain productive, respectful PBIS-driven learning environments.

Comprehensive and insightful, the Teacher's Encyclopedia offers more than 500 easy-to-implement intervention plans, covering over 100 common classroom problems, including:

  • Arguing—Students with the teacher and students with each other
  • Blaming others/Excuses for everything
  • Cliques/Ganging up
  • Forgetting materials
  • Homework issues
  • Problems with transitions
  • Work completion—Daily work

The new second edition incorporates a more streamlined, easy-to-reference design, a new CD with 75 downloadable ready-to-use reproducibles to make intervention implementation easy (formerly Encyclopedia Tools), and 14 new problems, including misuse of electronics, cyberbullying, gambling, and skipping class.

For each misbehaviour addressed, the Teacher's Encyclopedia offers an assortment of plans that allow you to select an intervention tailored to the purpose, duration, and severity of the specific situation. A series of questions guides you through relevant considerations to help you identify the plan that best suits your situation or develop your own custom intervention.