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The Tough Kid Bully Blockers Book

RRP - $111.77   Our Price - $109.05  Spiral Bound (inc CD)
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Ginger Rhode, William R Jenson, Julie Bowen, Paula Ashcroft

  • The Tough Kid Bully Blockers Book

286 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 12
ISBN: 9781599090191

Most classrooms include Tough Kids-high-risk students often characterised by aggressive and impulsive behaviour. Tough Kids are frequently regarded as bullies, but they can also be victims of bullying. Research suggests that schools must provide training to students during elementary years in order to stop aggressive behaviours before they get more serious.

The Tough Kid Bully Blockers Book shows teachers and other staff how to prevent and reduce all forms of bullying, from gossiping and exclusion to physical aggression and cyberbullying.

The book teaches:

  • Staff members how to combat bullying
  • Student bystanders how to stop the cycle of bullying
  • Bullying targets how to respond to bullying
  • Student bullies how to manage aggression

Bully Blockers includes a field-tested set of 15-minute lessons, carefully crafted to teach students six skills proven to reverse bullying. More than 50 reproducible posters, forms, homework assignments, and worksheets make the program easy to implement and customise.

"Teaches strategies for students to monitor themselves. Students who are victimized learn to stand up for themselves."
- Connie Farr, Teacher/Literacy Specialist, Corona, CA