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2nd Edition

The Tough Kid Tool Box

RRP - $59.55   Our Price - $49.95  Spiral Bound (inc CD)
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Ginger Rhode, William Jenson, H Kenton Reavis

  • The Tough Kid Tool Box

132 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 18
ISBN: 9781599090344

The Tough Kid Tool Box, companion to The Tough Kid Book, supplies ready-to-use, classroom-tested materials to help motivate and manage even the toughest-to-teach students. Together in one convenient place, you will find forms, reproducibles, hints, and explanations to help you implement effective behaviour management strategies such as:

  • Mystery Motivators
  • Home Notes
  • Self-Monitoring Forms
  • Behavioural Contracts
  • Tracking Procedures
  • Unique Reinforcers
  • Classroom Interventions

The Tough Kid Tool Box provides complete step-by-step instructions so you can use the tools immediately, even if you haven't read The Tough Kid Book. Open up the Tool Box and start turning tough kids into great kids today!

Includes CD with 250 pages of reproducible tools in English and Spanish.

"I cannot imagine consulting with teachers or delivering direct services without the wealth of innovative, comprehensive, and sound approaches that characterize the Tough Kid Tool Box."
- Susan M Sheridan, Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln

img_8531The Tough Kid Tool Box
img_4249The Tough Kid Tool Box
Spiral Bound (inc CD)$54.95Cart+