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Things That Go Together Fun Deck

RRP - $22.68   Our Price - $19.95  Cards
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  • Things That Go Together Fun Deck

56 pages
Interest Age: 3 to 11

These classifying and vocabulary building language cards have 28 pairs of words—dog/bone, soup/spoon, bee/flower, etc. totalling 56 picture cards in all. Content, game, and bonus cards are 2 ½" x 3 ½" and come in a sturdy tin. Examples:

  • The baby goes with a…(bottle).
  • A pencil goes with the…(paper).
  • This leaf goes with that…(tree).

"Wonderful deck of cards that encourage kids to talk about items that go together!"
- Melissa M.,  Hewitt, TX

"My daughter has apraxia and we needed something to help her understand relationships to objects or things. This has helped with that and we have made a game out of finding objects around the house to pair with some of the pictures."
- 4ballmom,  KS

"These cards are EXACTLY what I needed to work on a few of my goals with certain students. They are colorful, with large images and just perfect !"
- ERudolfi,  Scranton, PA

"The Things that work Together Fun Deck is a wonderful tool for my preschool and kinder. children that I work with."
- Sharon J.,  Dawn, Texas

"I find that many students on my caseload have difficulty with identifying categories and verbal reasoning. These cards can be used to target receptive language (e.g. pairing cards with pictures that go together) as well as expressive language (explaining why two items go together). You also target vocabulary and grammar skills indirectly. The cards can be used for teaching purposes as well as for Matching, Go Fish and many other card games."
- Tara L,  Canada