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2nd Edition

Time to Talk: Implementing outstanding practice in speech, language and communication

$59.99  Softcover
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Jean Gross

  • Time to Talk

226 pages
ISBN: 9781138280540

Time to Talk provides a powerful and accessible resource for practitioners working to improve children’s language and communication skills. Showcasing effective approaches in schools and settings across the country from the early years through primary and secondary education, it summarises research on what helps children and young people develop good communication skills, and highlights the importance of key factors: a place to talk, a reason to talk and support for talk.

This timely second edition has been fully updated to reflect Pupil Premium, curriculum, assessment and special needs reforms, and can be used by individual practitioners as well as supporting a whole-school or setting approach to spoken language.

It includes:

  • whole-class approaches to developing all children and young people’s speaking and listening skills;
  • catch-up strategies for those with limited language;
  • ways of differentiating the curriculum for those with difficulties;
  • ways in which settings and schools can develop an effective partnership with specialists to help children with more severe needs;
  • models schools can use to commission their own speech and language therapy services;
  • examples of good practice in supporting parents/carers to develop their children’s language skills; and
  • answers to practitioners’ most frequently asked questions about speech and language.

Now in full-colour, this practical and engaging book is for all who are concerned about how to help children and young people with limited language and communication skills – school leaders, teachers, early-years practitioners, and the speech and language therapists they work with.

Table of Contents


  1. Speech, language and communication – a growing issue
  2. What do we know about how to support language development?
  3. Stories from schools and settings
  4. A place to talk
  5. A reason to talk
  6. Teaching talk
  7. Support for talk
  8. Working with parents and carers to develop their children's language skills
  9. Supporting children with more severe needs