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TopicTalk: Conversation Card Game

RRP - $75.41   Our Price - $72.68  Game
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Susan Pike

  • TopicTalk

Interest Age: 6+
ISBN: 9781607231776

TopicTalk Conversation Card Game is a fun way to help students begin a conversation with a specific topic, ask/answer questions about the topic, make comments, and/or maintain the topic for a specific time.

TopicTalk comes in a box and contains:

  • Total of 205 cards (2 1/2" x 3 1/2").
  • 75 topic cards.
  • 70 talk cards.
  • 30 question cards.
  • 20 doubletalk cards.
  • 10 wild cards.
  • 5 minute timer.

"Like the game, but the playing cards can be confusing. I modified it some and it worked better."
- Niki H.,  Danville, IL

"I really love this product. I bought it to use for pragmatic goals but have found it works great with my articulation kids. I am able to target sounds at conversational level and since it is a game, the kids love the fact that they can win the conversation!"
- Melissa P.,  Cincinnati, OH

"Love this. Use it all the time for nearly all of my kids 3-5 grade! Language, speech, fluency, pragmatics-everything!"
- Jessica,  Atlanta, GA

"I love using this product for my fluency children, eliciting target sounds at the conversational level, and selective mutism. The pictures make the kids laugh and encourages expressive communication. Highly recommend this product for every SLP."
- Lauren N.,  West Palm Beach, FL

"I like the timer and the topic cards. I thought that the question and comment cards would have question or comment prompts to cue the child in the conversation, instead they just say QUESTION/ COMMENT."
- Jeanna,  NY

"I love these cards! They are great for working on sounds or verbs at the conversation level. I also use them when working on topic maintenace and social communication!"
- Lauren,  Kentucky

"I really enjoy the Topic Talk conversation game. I have used it with my middle school students with Asperger's for conversational skills,as well as my elementary students for articulation generalization and maintenance."
- Christa E.,  Minneapolis, MN

"Not bad but I found other products more worthwhile for their price."
- Mindy R.,  Lakewood, N.J.

"I was concerned when I saw the age range on this item because I have so many older students who need some help with communicating on the conversation level. Well, I tried it with middle and high school students (not showing them the box) and they really all enjoyed it as did my younger students. I had no idea I would use it so often!"
- Maggie G,  Warren, Ohio

"This product allows students to monitor themselves as well as others in the group. Student's enjoy joking around when a previous topic is discussed at the wrong time. It keeps students engaged! The ticking noise at times can be distracting for autistic children and I've notice the students trying to talk faster instead of just maintaining the topic."
- Gwynee J.,  Riverside, CA

"What a great way to work on social skills and conversation!"
- Dianne G.,  Long Island, NY

"I work with students (19-22 yrs) in a transition program. Many who have aspergers or high-functioning autism. THis has been a great way to get them to regulate their conversational skills."
- Sue F,  Lockport, IL

"a fun way to practice listening and turn taking in conversation. I am using it for two very active 2 nd graders who really need to work on keeping on topic and listening to what the speaker is saying."
- Sherri A.,  Palm Harbor, Fl

"I think this is really great because it really keeps the conversation going, and I really enjoy playing this with my kids!"
- Megan Thayer,  Raleigh NC

"I bought this item when it was half off. I really like the topic cards. There are many topics to choose from so even my most reluctant speakers find something they can talk about. I'm not so crazy about the game format, but I've modified it a bit so that it works better for my groups. A few cards came stuck together and are damaged but there are many more cards than are actually needed so it's not a big deal. I have used this product frequently since I purchased it. Definitely a good buy."
- Jeanne E.,  New York

"I used this in grad school and just had to buy it to use with my elementary school kids. It's great for targeting many goals at one time (pragmatics, asking/answering questions, expressive language, etc.). Great product!"
- Christiana M.,  Washington, DC

"I received this game for my son, who has Asperger's, and we love it! This is a great thing to use on one-on-one playdates to help him build meaningful friendships, which is something he really struggles with. We can't wait to see how his social skills improve using Topic Talk. I received a copy of this as a review but all opinions expressed are my own."
- Jerinda K.,  Southwest Missouri

"Great game for older students! Lots of great elements to help make conversation fun. Will be difficult for younger students though."
- Nicole,  Utah

"I am a Speech/Language paraeducator working with students PreK-5. Since I spend my own money for tools, I am careful what I buy. I used this game in another building when working with students on the ASD. It is a fantastic tool, and the gen ed students in the peer group benefited from the game as well. It was used in both therapy and peer groups."
- Lorrie H.,  Kansas

"Hey CFs...Buy this! This game provided exactly the structure my social group needed to be successful. The session before had been completely chaotic, but when I introduced even just the talk (comment) and question cards, it encouraged all students to not interrupt and take turns about the topic at hand. Now we have somewhere to work from. So thankful this game arrived when it did!!"
- Annelise,  San Diego, CA

"Can't wait to use this with my social skills group!"
- Evelyn S.,  Charlotte, Mi.