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Totem Series Combo

RRP - $165.45   Our Price - $140.86  Set
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  • Totem Series Combo

Interest Age: 8 to 14

Zak’s adventures begin when he’s captured by two men and his shepherd’s staff acquires special powers, designed to appeal to older reluctant readers with exciting and motivating stories and illustrations.

Starting at CVC level the books progress at a faster pace through adjacent consonants, consonant digraphs and alternative vowel spellings. This series shares the same phonic progression as the Alba Series and can be used in parallel.

Includes 12 decodable books starting at CVC & CVCC level, plus workbook which includes activities such as word building, reading, spelling and comprehension linked to the readers.

  • Book 1: cvc, cvcc
  • Book 2: cvc, cvcc, ccvc
  • Book 3: cvc, cvcc, ccvc, ccvcc
  • Book 4: sh, ch, th
  • Book 5: ck, ng, qu, wh
  • Book 6: ‘ae’: ai, ay, a-e, a
  • Book 7: ‘ee’: ee, ea, e, y, ey
  • Book 8: ‘oe’: o-e, ow, oa, o
  • Book 9: ‘er’: er, ir, ur
  • Book 10: ‘ow’: ow, ou
  • Book 11: ‘ie’: igh, i-e, y, i
  • Book 12: ‘oo’: oo, ew, u-e, u

Available on the Accelerated Readers programme.

Item MediaPrice
img_7629Totem Series Combo
img_1006559Totem Series
12 book set
img_2006560Totem Series Activities
for Books 1-12
sample_2006560Spiral Bound$59.05Cart+