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Transitioning Together: One Couple's Journey of Gender and Identity Discovery

$44.54  Paperback
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Wenn Lawson, Beatrice Lawson Australian author

  • Transitioning Together

216 pages
ISBN: 9781785921032

This is the story of a long-lasting relationship, surviving against the odds. It is the story of Wenn and Beatrice Lawson, born almost twelve years apart in different countries with different cultures, who were both assigned female at birth. After nineteen years of marriage and four children, Wenn entered a same-sex relationship with Beatrice. Little did Beatrice know that twenty-two years later, Wenn would transition from female to male. This unique and honest memoir tells the story of Wenn's transition and Beatrice's journey alongside him.

Co-written by Wenn and Beatrice, who are both on the autism spectrum, this book offers a rare insight into an older couple's experience of transition, with particular emphasis on how Beatrice really felt about the changes. Without holding back, they tell the true story of the conflicts, challenges and growing celebration and joy that can arise from transitioning together as a couple.

Wenn B. Lawson and Beatrice M. Lawson lived as a same-sex couple for 21 years before Wenn's transition from female to male in 2014. They married in 2015 and are committed to raising awareness and support for neurodiversity and difference. Wenn is well-known for his advocacy work in the world of autism and was a finalist in the 2008 Australian of the Year project. He is the author of several books

Table of Contents

Various Notes on Sex and Gender.


  1. Introduction and Background.
  2. A Growing Attraction.
  3. Separation, Divorce, in Between and Together.
  4. Freedom.
  5. Building Careers.
  6. When a Lesbian is Not a Lesbian.
  7. How It All Happened.
  8. Menopausal Partner and Her Pubescent Hubby... A Recipe for Disaster!
  9. Surgeries, Further Transformation, Impact Upon Relationship and Love Life.
  10. Two Years Plus On Testosterone.
  11. Acceptance.
  12. What We Have Learnt.

"Books by Wenn have always explored the frontiers of autism. This is the love story of Wenn and Beatrice that, through the years, became an exploration of gender and identity. I now see an increasing number of clients who are travelling the same road and this will be their travel guide."
- Tony Attwood, Minds and Hearts Clinic, Brisbane

"One of the most overlooked areas of autism research is the complex dance between autism, gender, and sexuality. Wenn Lawson's tender, frank, and beautifully observed account of the evolution of his relationship to himself and his beloved Beatrice deals honestly with the complexities of these issues, while also being a touching and deeply human love story. "There are more forms of gender," Lawson writes, "than stars in the sky." Transitioning Together is a brave and pioneering map of this still-unexplored terrain."
- Steve Silberman, author of 'NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and How to Think Smarter About People Who Think Differently'

"Transitioning Together is a love story with a twist. Or rather two twists. It is the story of Beatrice and Wenn overcoming personal battles to come together as a lesbian couple in the mid-80s, at a time when such things were very frowned upon; and it is the story of the same couple coping when, decades later, Wenn realises that he is transgender - a trans man. Touching and insightful, as trans comes "out of the closet" this is an increasingly relevant story for our times, as individuals must come to terms with how this, too, impacts upon their relationship."
- Jane Fae, journalist and campaigner