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2nd Edition

Treatment of Language Disorders in Children

$136.36  Softcover (inc DVD)
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Rebecca J McCauley, Marc E Fey, Ronald B Gillam

  • Treatment of Language Disorders in Children

552 pages
ISBN: 9781598579796

Thoroughly updated to meet the needs of today's SLPs, the second edition of this classic textbook prepares current and future professionals to evaluate, compare, select, and apply effective interventions for language disorders in children. Using realistic case studies and many new video clips that show each strategy in action, the expert contributors introduce readers to 14 current, research-based intervention models and examine practical ways to apply them in the field.

This second edition covers interventions for both emerging communication and language and more advanced language and literacy, in a consistent chapter format that makes it easy for readers to compare treatment approaches. A text that SLPs will keep and reference often throughout their careers, this balanced, in-depth look at interventions will prepare professionals to choose and implement the best interventions for children with language disorders.

Readers will learn about:

  • the theoretical and empirical basis of each intervention
  • target populations for the intervention
  • assessment and decision making
  • practical requirements for implementation
  • considerations for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • future directions

A video clip to illustrate each intervention is provided on the included DVD (also available online). The book also includes case studies; learning activities that challenge students to apply their new knowledge.

This second edition features new chapters on:

  • Print-Referencing Interventions
  • Language Intervention for School-Age Bilingual Children
  • Comprehensive Reading Intervention in Augmentative Communication
  • Complex Sentence Intervention
  • Narrative Language Intervention
  • Social Communication Intervention for Children with Language Impairment
  • Strathclyde Language Intervention Program (SLIP)

Table of Contents

About the Video Clips

Series Preface

Editorial Advisory Board

About the Editors

About the Contributors

  1. Introduction to Treatment of Language Disordersin Children, Second Edition Rebecca J. McCauley, Marc E. Fey, and Ronald B. GillamI Interventions Targeting Emerging Communication and LanguageMarc E. Fey, Rebecca J. McCauley, and Ronald B. Gillam
  2. Hanen Programs for Parents: Parent-Implemented Early Language Intervention Elaine Weitzman, Luigi Girolametto, and Lisa Drake
  3. Responsivity Education/Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching Marc E. Fey, Steven F. Warren, Shelley L. Bredin-Oja, and Paul J. Yoder
  4. Enhanced Milieu Teaching Ann P. Kaiser and Lauren H. Hampton
  5. Focused Stimulation Approach to Language Intervention Susan Ellis Weismer, Courtney E. Venker, and Shari Robertson
  6. The System for Augmenting Language: AAC and Emerging Language Intervention MaryAnn Romski, Rose A. Sevcik, Melissa A. Cheslock, and Andrea Barton-Hulsey
  7. Print-Referencing Interventions: A Framework for Improving Children's Print Knowledge Jaclyn M. Dynia, Jill M. Pentimonti, and Laura M. Justice
  8. Phonological Awareness Intervention: Building Foundations for Successful Early Literacy Development for Preschool Children with Speech-Language Impairment Gail T. Gillon and Brigid C. McNeill
  9. II Interventions Targeting More Advanced Language and LiteracyRonald B. Gillam, Rebecca J. McCauley, and Marc E. Fey
  10. Language Intervention for School-Age Bilingual Children: Principles and Application Elizabeth D. Peña, Lisa M. Bedore, and Mirza J. Lugo-Neris
  11. Comprehensive Reading Intervention in Augmentative Communication Karen A. Erickson, David A. Koppenhaver, and James W. Cunningham
  12. Effective Interventions for Word Decoding and Reading Comprehension Sandra Laing Gillam and D. Ray Reutzel
  13. Complex Sentence Intervention Catherine H. Balthazar and Cheryl M. Scott
  14. Supporting Knowledge in Language and Literacy: A Narrative-Based Language Intervention Program Ronald B. Gillam, Sandra Laing Gillam, and Marc E. Fey
  15. Social Communication Intervention for Children with Language Impairment Martin Fujiki and Bonnie Brinton
  16. Parameters of Service Delivery and the Strathclyde Language Intervention Program James Boyle and Elspeth McCartney



"This volume provides an updated version of an indispensable resource for speech-language pathologists. Like its first edition, it uses a structured format for each chapter to review a range of interventions that have some evidentiary support in the literature. Each chapter clearly outlines the approach, the population for which it is appropriate, its theoretical foundation as well as the studies that support it. The second edition adds the most recent evidence from the literature, and includes additional interventions, making it even more relevant to contemporary practice. Every SLP who delivers intervention to children should own this book."
- Rhea Paul, Sacred Heart University

"This is the eagerly awaited second edition of a now seminal text for child language disorders. This comprehensive volume provides an invaluable resource on the state-of-the-science concerning current treatment approaches. It should be on the desk of every practitioner who treats children with communication disorders."
- Elena Plante, The University of Arizona

"Comprehensive and superbly readable ... synthesizes the state of the art, and the state of the evidence, on the broad spectrum of interventions for children with language disorders and other language-related challenges."
- Chris Dollaghan, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas