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Troubled Teens: Strategies to help troubled teenagers

RRP - $22.72   Our Price - $9.05  Paperback
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Denise Bewert Australian author

  • Troubled Teens

146 pages
ISBN: 9780980380316

This is a book for parents, carers and other adults who are concerned about teenagers taking part in problematic and risky behaviours.

Troubled Teens provides information, case studies and intervention strategies for a range of high risk behaviours including substance abuse, self-harm, careless sexual activity, road risk and criminal activity. It also discusses a range of issues that may impact on a teenager's behaviours such as family separation and divorce, grief and loss, anxiety, being a victim of sexual assault, body image concerns and depression.

Troubled Teens shows adults how they can help teenagers make the righ choices to keep themselves safe and healthy in the transition period from childhood to adulthood.