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Turtle Talk: Fluency and Language Game

RRP - $127.23   Our Price - $122.68  Game
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Monica Gustafson, Keri Spielvogle

  • Turtle Talk

Interest Age: 3+
ISBN: 9781586502294

Here is a friendly turtle that wants to help your students with their smooth and easy speechÑand then skate with them around a turtle track collecting Turtle Tokensª. In this innovative fluency and language game, players pick a card, answer a skill level question, roll the die, "skate" around the board, and receive Turtle Tokensª (found inside the turtle) as they go!

You get 240 illustrated playing cards, 40 each of animals, around the home, food, holidays and seasons, occupations, and things you wear. With six questions per card, that's 1,440 opportunities for fluency and language practice! Plus, you may use the illustrations on the backs of the cards to help your students respond to the questions. That makes this game ideal for readers or non-readers! That's not all! You also receive:

  • Colourful, sturdy game board (16" x 16").
  • Durable plastic turtle.
  • 72 foam Turtle Tokens.ª
  • 16-page answer booklet.
  • Pawns
  • Die
  • Handy storage box

"Just rec'd this product and can't believe how much information it covers. If you are looking for a game that covers many different areas of language this is it! Generalizing skills are the most difficult part in teaching any child with difficulties. I highly recommend this game, it covers vocabulary, describing, sequencing, critical thinking, listening, reading and story telling. I was not disappointed with this product."
- Tina C,  Ontario Canada

"I have found Turtle Talk to be beneficial for eliciting language skills. It is primarily designed to address fluency skills. Since language and fluency are often interrelated, the stimulus items, pictures, and hierarchy of language tasks are very helpful. I even use the product to elicit speech when addressing sound system disorders."
- SLP - Other,  Liberty, Missouri

"My students really like this game! I use it when working on fluency, language, and articulation carryover. The kids really like getting the turtle tokens."
- SLP - School,  Raleigh, NC

"It's great to have a game that is so fun for kids, and yet flexible enough to adapt to their needs. The kids I work with love the turtle and tokens!"
- SLP - School,  Arlington, MA

"Turtle Talk is pretty awesome because of the varied things you can use it with - however I have found that the difficulty level of some of the cards are pretty high for the younger kiddos. When I attempted to use this game with older kiddos, they were turned off by the youthful appearance of the game - so I utilized the cards instead of the board. Good for categories and storytelling."
- Angela D.,  Fort Worth, Texas

"Turtle talk not only is an excellent tool to work on fluency, but also language ...vocabulary, classification, comaprrisons and contrasts, reasoning, and formulation skills. It is a mutifaceted tool."
- Laurie G-R,  Dix Hills, NY

"Turtle Talk is a fun game for my 3-year-olds, as well as my upper elementary students. I love how there is no finish and you can stop whenever you want and the winner is the one with the most tokens. Works well even for shorter therapy sessions. All the kids love the turtle!"
- Courtney W.,  Stafford, VA

"I have been using this game with my ASD students for about 3 years. All my students love it! I teach middle school kids now and it is great that each card can be adapted to that child's level. Previously used it with k-5 students with great success. This game is always a favorite!"
- Joanna,  plymouth, ma

"This game is great, kids love to play with it. You can use with preschooler and older kids also. It has lots of questions and categories to choose from."
- Viviana M.,  Elmsford, NY

"This game has been great to use with many of my students. It's easy to use the materials to target different skills such as fluency, receptive language, and expressive language. The students love the game and find it motivating."
- Rachel D,  Minneapolis, MN

"I love all the cards and many different ways this game can be used! I do like that the gameboard is quick and we can finish a game in one session!!"
- Jacki N,  Darien, IL

"I work with a number of children who suffer from stuttering and disfluency. After introducing them to this game there speech has dramatically improved. They associate the turtle and how it moves to how they should speak. Slow and steady. It truly is a wonderful game and my kids and I love it immensely."
- Manny S.,  Miami, FL

"I really like this game! It's great for language and fluency. You can use it for so many things in therapy! I really like the stimuli, the pictures, and the questions. My students love moving around the board and collecting tokens! All around great product!"
- Danielle C.,  Chestertown, MD

"I work with kids from K-4th grade and every single one of them LOVE this game! They get excited to get the tokens from the turtle and love to use their imagination to answer the questions. I've even incorporated this into artic drills!"
- Monica A,  Tucson, AZ

"This game is great for all grades and language and/or fluency levels."
- Lauren A.,  Sparks, NV

"This helps motivate students to work on fluency."
- Marla M.,  Atlanta, GA

"We really enjoy the Turtle Talk game. While there are multiple skill levels questions on each card, we enjoy doing all of them (when possible) because it's so much fun. The kids really like getting turtle tokens after completing their turn. We have the child whose turn it is hold the turtle and they LOVE that! Lots of fun. Great for practicing fluency and language! I received a sample in exchange for my honest opinion."
- Miranda W.,  MN

"My two girls are 3 & 6 and both love playing this game with the turtles! I've found them sitting around with the game out a few times trying to play on their own (even though they are not yet able to read the cards by themselves). It's great that the cards have so many options each so you can select what skill level best fits each kid. Great game!"
- Carinn H.,  Grand Rapids, MI

"My 4-year-old loves this game! Sometimes it's fun to just use the cards and ask the questions, but he likes the purpose of moving around the board and collecting tokens from the turtle. The questions are really thought provoking and some too hard for him, but this is definitely a game that can grow with him and we adjust for his age and abilities."
- Emily,  IL

"This is a very cute game. I like that many goals can be targeted and it can be used with multiple students."
- KT,  NC

"My student really enjoyed playing this game. The board, turtle, and tokens were a nice change from our typical cards and magnetic chips. I wish the board were a little more interactive with more evenly spaced sections to land on (spaces) and more than just take 1 or take 2 tokens. But we just created some rules on our own. The cards are useful, or you can easily use a different deck."
- Kate S.,  Allen, TX

"My students LOVE this game! It is very versatile, and can be used for a variety of goals from basic vocabulary and language expansion to fluency. Now I need another one to keep at my second building."
- Barb D.,  Akron, OH

"Love this game! It can be used for all ages and all therapy needs. Kids think it is great, too!"
- Rebecca K.,  Charlotte, NC

"My students from Kindergarten to 4th grade really enjoy playing this game. I love that the materials target a range of different skills beyond fluency. In one group we can target fluency, receptive language, and expressive language. And the kids have fun!"
- Julie R.,  Ohio

"I've used this resource to address both fluency and language goals, and found it holds my student's interest well."
- Carmel,  NJ

"I purchased the Turtle Talk Game in anticipation of a new student on my caseload in the fall. Can't wait to use it with him to improve his fluency skills."
- Janet H,  Roanoke, VA

"My students have really enjoyed this game. My students were able to answer questions and motivated because of the turtle."
- Lore,  Hollister, CA

"Our BCBA recommended it and it was 50% off. Our son loves it."
- Lua B,  Midland Park, NJ