Karen Young, Norvile Dovidonyte
All feelings are important - the magical, the messy, and the in-between. Sometimes though, big feelings can have us behaving in ways that aren’t so, let’s say... shiny. This happens to all of us. The more young people understand how and why, the more they can build the capacity to feel their feelings and manage them in positive ways.
‘Ups and Downs’ draws on Polyvagal Theory, a neuroscientific theory, to support young people to understand why they feel and do as they do, and how to do differently when they need to. Driving brains and bodies isn’t easy! It takes time, experience, and the right information, so let’s give them that.
Who is ‘Ups and Downs’ for?
"Another beautifully written and illustrated book to add to our collection! I bought this to help my 10yr old and to see her lightbulb moment when she read the book was amazing. She could not only express and identify the floor she has been living on but could see what strategies she could use and how everything she has been feeling is normal. Highly recommend this book and the others in the series."
- Kate
"We are truly enjoying the approach of the polyvagal theory! Our son is 10, and I thought the book may be a little too young for him. However, he’s loving the scientific explanations. He’s emotionally intelligent and is able to relate to so many of the ‘triggers’."
- Niki
"This is a beautifully, explained and illustrated book building on emotional regulation and polyvagal theory. This is an incredible resource for educators of primary aged students and families with younger children. Though, I honestly have been using the images of Karen Young’s house model with my older students as well. In addition, the tools for managing big feelings are skills that work for everyone! I recommend this book any classroom or bookshelf at home."
- Leah T
"Ups and Downs does an amazing job explaining the complexities of polyvagal theory through text and illustrations. This resource is a wonderful tool to for children (and adults) to help understand the human experience and the big feelings that go along with being human. The book offers common language for children to use to help normalize what they are experiencing and offers tools to help navigate this vast world of emotions."
- Lori O