As students come to understand the connections and patterns within the English language, they become independent readers, better spellers, and more critical thinkers in all content areas!
Vocabulary Through Morphemes, Third Edition, teaches students the most common Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon suffixes, prefixes and roots, fostering a deeper understanding of the English language. Students enthusiastically explore the fascinating world of morphology by learning how to analyse word structure and use context clues to find meaning. Systematic, structured, explicitly taught lessons unlock the keys to the patterns and origins of words, building vocabulary in a way that sticks.
Featuring nearly 100 lessons in morphology, this program focuses on vocabulary and fluency development. Students learn to decode words through morphemes (suffixes, prefixes, and roots) and to understand common prefixes and roots. Students also study analogies, related word families, and synonyms and antonyms. Detailed lesson plans provide structured, systematic instruction that helps students grasp new words and their meanings with ease.
The Third Edition of the consumable Student Book includes the worksheets and activities that students use to explore the connections and patterns in the English language. It covers word histories, analogies, word relationships, synonyms, and antonyms using instructional pages, games, activities, and assessments:
The 2nd edition of the accompanying Teacher's Guide is still available and is compatible with this 3rd edition Student Book as the changes to the lessons are minor.
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Using This Book
The English Language: A Historical Summary
Morphology Lessons
Greek Combining Forms and Latin Roots
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