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Vowels Photo Cards

RRP - $50.86   Our Price - $47.23  Cards
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Rachele Ellsworth

  • Vowels Photo Cards

50 pages
Interest Age: 3+
ISBN: 9781946261687

Speech Corner Photo Cards for Vowels provides students with focused practice to enhance their knowledge of ten vowels/diphthongs. To make this card deck user-friendly across disciplines, each card is also noted as targeting long and short vowel sounds for the five main English vowels: a, e, i, o and u. Speech-language pathologists use these cards to teach students who demonstrate vowel substitutions, distortions, or omissions regardless of etiology, but with a focus on those with apraxia of speech, severe phonological disorders, and hearing impairments.

Skills targeted:

  • Enhance speech clarity
  • Expand phonological awareness skills
  • Direct instruction of 100 words
  • Exposure to 10 vowels and diphthongs
  • /eɪ/, /ӕ/, /i/, /ɛ/, /aɪ/, /ɪ/, /oʊ/, /ɑ/, /u/, and /ʌ/

This set presents a collection of 50 double-sided cards (100 total practice words-10 per target sound). Each card has a target word, corresponding photograph, and three language tasks. The student can label the photograph or the speech pathologist can use the three tasks at the bottom of each card to elicit the target word. The three tasks work on phonemic awareness (phoneme blending), phonological awareness (rhyming), and expressive language (sentence completion). Vowel pronunciation varies in all English dialects, and individual speakers may agree or disagree with the specific words within this card deck as a result. (Decisions for word selections were made using the Cambridge Dictionary).