- Webber Jumbo Articulation Drill Book
Is there any other reproducible drill book that gives you 1,710 articulation word-pictures plus thousands of individual words, phrases and sentences? Save countless hours of searching for therapy pages and use that time to teach.
484 pages
Interest Age: 3+
ISBN: 9781586500412Is there any other reproducible drill book that gives you 1,710 articulation word-pictures plus thousands of individual words, phrases and sentences? Only this Jumbo, Huge, Immense, 484-page Webber's Jumbo Artic Book has everything you need. Save countless hours of searching for therapy pages and use that time to teach. This unrivalled comprehensive volume has:
- Word lists, pictures, phrase lists, and sentences in initial, medial and final positions for these sounds: R, S, L, (R, S, L Blends, initial only), Z, SH, CH, TH (voiced and unvoiced), F, V, K, G, P, B, T, D, J, H, M, N, and Y.
- 6,420 target words! 3,120 phrases! 3,120 sentences!
- 1,710 delightful illustrations with open-ended instructions on all worksheets. Keep data in boxes provided.
Also included: Articulation Drill Record Form, Progress Chart, Homework Helper Note, Positive Awards.