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What Works When with Children & Adolescents: A Handbook of Individual Counselling Techniques

$89.55  Softcover
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Ann Vernon

  • What Works When with Children & Adolescents

344 pages
Interest Age: 6 to 18
ISBN: 9780878224388

This practical handbook is designed for counsellors, social workers, and psychologists in schools and mental health settings. It offers over 100 creative activities and effective interventions for individual counselling with children and adolescents (ages 6-18).

The activities include stories, songs, games, worksheets, role plays, and other strategies that address problems, such as anger, anxiety/worry, depression, underachievement, procrastination, perfectionism, self-downing, and acting out.

The interventions, which are based on the principles of rational emotive behaviour therapy, can be used for helping students with normal developmental issues as well as for helping those with more serious emotional or behavioural problems. Dr. Vernon provides strategies for establishing a therapeutic relationship with students who are sometimes apprehensive or opposed to counselling.

Several case studies are included to help illustrate the counselling techniques and interventions. The book also includes a chapter on working with parents and teachers.

Reproducible forms and student handouts are available to download.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Considerations in Working with Young Clients

  • Developmental Considerations

- Early Childhood

- Middle Childhood

- Early Adolescence

- Mid-Adolescence

  • Implications of Developmental Stages
  • Relationship between REBT and Development
  • The Therapeutic Relationship
  • Building Rapport

- Strategies for Building Rapport with Children (Ages 5 to 10)

- Strategies for Building Rapport with Adolescents(Ages 11 to 18)

• Establishing Goals

Chapter 2: Basic Principles of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

  • Basic Principles: The ABC's of REBT

- Irrational Beliefs

- Disputation

- Rational Beliefs/Moderation of Feelings and Behaviors

  • Specific Applications to Children and Adolescents

- Problem Assessment

- The ABC Process

- Homework

- Evaluation

Chapter 3: Interventions for Internalizing Problems

  • Self-Downing
  • Anxiety
  • Perfectionism
  • Guilt
  • Depression
  • Case Study

- Summary of Case Study

Chapter 4: Interventions for Externalizing Problems

  • Anger
  • Acting Out
  • Procrastination
  • Underachievement
  • Case Study

- Summary of Case Study

Chapter 5: Interventions for Typical Developmental Problems

  • Relationships
  • Performance and Competition
  • Self-Consciousness
  • Transitions
  • Case Study

- Summary of Case Study

Chapter 6: Applications for Parents and Teachers

  • Problem Assessment
  • Identifying Irrational Beliefs
  • Disputing Irrational Beliefs
  • Teaching and Parenting Styles

- Authoritarian Style

- Permissive Style

- Authoritative Style

  • Solving the Practical Problem

- Logical Consequences

- Communication Techniques: What Doesn't Work and What Does

  • Rational Emotive Education
  • Case Study

- Summary of Case Study

Appendix: Game Board

"While many existing books discuss the theoretical orientations of different therapies, there are far fewer that describe specific techniques for use with children and adolescents. Dr. Vernon fills this void. . . . a well-written guide that many clinicians will find useful."
- Erin Clark and Ray Christner, Communique - Newspaper of the US National Association of School Psychologists

"Vernon uses anecdotes to help provide the basics of different counseling techniques, and addresses internalizing problems, developmental problems, and emotive behavior. The book also includes suggestions for well-crafted activities to supplement standard therapy techniques."
- Youth Today, The Newspaper on Youth Work