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What Would You Do At School Combo: A Social Skills Board Game and fun Deck

RRP - $122.64   Our Price - $109.95  Game & Fun Deck Set
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  • What Would You Do At School Combo

Interest Age: 5 to 14

Save and buy these two great resources for children to prepare for and practice their social skills at school. Students learn to deal with everyday social skill situations in the classroom, lunchroom, school offices, related arts, playground, and around school areas.

  • What Do You Say . . . What Do You Do . . . At School? Social Skills Board Game

For students aged 5 to 14 years

Interactive board game for teaching & reinforcing social skills that students need for successful interaction with their peers, teachers & parents. The cards in the game target reasoning, inferencing, pragmatic, narrative, & conversational skills. The question cards emphasise typical situations that children encounter at school, as well as peer relationships, safety precautions, following the rules, and interactions with adults. Open-ended questions requiring children to problem-solve & develop their own solutions to the situations & encourage role-play.

  • What Would You Do At School If…Fun Deck

For younger students aged 5 to 9 years

Help your students make good choices in and around school with Super Duper’s What Would You Do At School if… Fun Deck. Students learn how to solve problems, understand cause/effect relationships, and practice good social skills. 56 total cards with game ideas.

Item MediaPrice
img_8059What Would You Do At School Combo
A Social Skills Board Game and fun Deck
Game & Fun Deck Set$109.95Cart+
img_1002605What Do You Say...What Do You Do...At School?
A Social Skills Board Game
img_2006072What Would You Do At School If…Fun Deck