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Word Retrieval Exercises for Children & Find the Word Combo

RRP - $119.5   Our Price - $109.05  Spiral Bound
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Larry J Mattes, Tom Matthews

  • Word Retrieval Exercises for Children & Find the Word Combo

Interest Age: 5 to 12

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Word retrieval problems are commonly observed among children with language disorders and learning disabilities. Here is a collection of enjoyable activities that can be used to facilitate word retrieval as children participate in a wide range of language and thinking tasks.

Word Retrieval Exercises for Children book:

  • A collection of enjoyable activities that can be used to facilitate word retrieval as children participate in a wide range of language and thinking tasks. Activities in which children label items, categorise words, finish sentences, give synonyms/antonyms, describe events, and give explanations are among the tasks included. The rapid naming games help children retrieve words quickly. Word retrieval tasks related to events described in short stories are also included.

Find the Word - Word Retrieval Language Games

  • Take students with word retrieval difficulties on an exciting hunt for words using the motivating game activities in this kit. As they play, students must identify words from verbal clues, give definitions, and complete sentences. The game activities require precise responses to a variety of question types.
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Spiral Bound$109.05Cart+
img_1000706Word Retrieval Exercises for Children
sample_1000706Spiral Bound$71.77Cart+
img_2000698Find the Word
Word Retrieval Language Games