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Working Memory: State Of The Science

RRP - $105   Our Price - $104.5  Hardback
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Robert Logie, Valerie Camos, Nelson Cowan

  • Working Memory

464 pages
ISBN: 9780198842286

Working memory refers to how we keep track of what we are doing moment to moment throughout our waking lives. It allows us to remember what we have just done, focus on what we are doing now, to solve problems, be creative, think about what we will be doing in the next few seconds, and continually to update in our mind changes around us throughout the day.

This book brings together in one volume, state-of-the-science chapters written by the most productive and well known working memory researchers worldwide. Chapters cover different approaches to understanding how working memory works, using behavioural experimental techniques, neuroimaging, computational modelling, how it changes from childhood through to healthy old age, how it is affected by dementia and brain damage, and how it is used in everyday life.

A unique feature of the book is that each chapter starts with answers to a set of common questions for all authors. This allows readers very rapidly to compare key differences in theoretical assumptions and approaches to working memory across chapters, and to understand the theoretical context before going on to read each chapter in detail. Uniquely, all authors consider evidence that is not consistent with their theoretical assumptions, whereas it is common for authors to ignore contradictory evidence. This approach leads to new interpretations and new hypotheses to test in future research and greatly enhances our understanding of this crucial human ability.

Written and edited by the leading researchers in the field, the book will be an important and influential addition to the memory literature.

Table of Contents

Foreword, Priti Shah and Akira Miyake

  1. The State of the Science of Working Memory: An introduction, Robert H. Logie, Valérie Camos, and Nelson Cowan
  2. A Multicomponent Model of Working Memory, Alan Baddeley, Graham Hitch, and Richard Allen
  3. An Embedded-Processes Approach to Working Memory: How is it distinct from other approaches, and to what ends?, Nelson Cowan, Candice C. Morey, and Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
  4. The time-based resource-sharing model of working memory, Pierre Barrouillet and Valérie Camos
  5. Towards a Theory of Working Memory: From metaphors to mechanisms, Klaus Oberauer
  6. Multi-component Working Memory System with distributed executive, André Vandierendonck
  7. Individual differences in attention control: Implications for the relationship between working memory capacity and fluid intelligence, Cody A. Mashburn, Jason S. Tsukahara, and Randall W. Engle
  8. Working Memory and Expertise: An ecological perspective, David Z. Hambrick, Alexander P. Burgoyne, & Duarte Araujo
  9. Domain-Specific Working Memory: Perspectives from cognitive neuropsychology, Randi C. Martin, Brenda Rapp, & Jeremy Purcell
  10. Remembering Over the Short and Long Term: Empirical continuities and theoretical implications, Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz and Alexandru D. Iordan
  11. Manifold visual working memory, Nicole Hakim, Edward Awh, and Edward K. Vogel
  12. Cognitive Neuroscience of Visual Working Memory, Bradley R. Postle
  13. A Dynamic Field Theory of visual working memory, Sobanawartiny Wijeakumar and John Spencer
  14. Integrating theories of working memory, Robert H Logie, Clément Belletier, and Jason M Doherty

"This volume provides state-of-the-science essays by a who's who of researchers in working memory. Major theories are covered, as well as chapters covering (for example) interesting implications for individual differences in attentional control and how working memory contributes to expertise. Everyone in the field will want to own a copy of this book."
- Henry L. Roediger III, James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor, Washington University in St. Louis, USA

"This excellent book sets out the very latest findings and theoretical ideas on working memory. One of its great strengths is that contributors were asked to organise their chapters using a common framework, making it easy (and interesting) for readers to compare and evaluate the various points of view. The stellar contributors comprise the top international researchers in the area, and their many cross-references highlight both differences and commonalities in their theoretical perspectives. I highly recommend the book; it is an important stepping-stone to a full understanding of this central construct in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience."
- Fergus Craik, PhD, FRSC, FRS, Senior Scientist Emeritus, Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Canada

"What is working memory? Answering this question is vital yet can be challenging given the numerous theoretical perspectives and the tsunami of relevant data that do not unanimously converge on one. In Working Memory: State of the Science, world-class experts rise to the challenge by discussing cutting-edge perspectives and how they have succeeded (and why they have failed) to explain the prevailing evidence. This volume is essential reading and promises to shape the field for decades to come."
- John Dunlosky, Professor & Director of SOLE Center, Department of Psychological Sciences, Kent State University, USA