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3rd Edition

Working With Voice Disorders: Theory and Practice

RRP - $70.9   Our Price - $63.59  Softcover
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Stephanie Martin

  • Working With Voice Disorders

272 pages
ISBN: 9780367331634

Now in a fully revised and updated third edition, Working with Voice Disorders offers practical insight and direction into all aspects of voice disorders, from assessment and diagnosis to intervention and case management. Using evidence-based material, it provides clinicians with pragmatic, accessible support, facilitating and informing decision-making along the clinical journey, from referral to discharge.

Key features of this resource include:

  • A wealth of new, up-to-date practical and theoretical information, covering topics such as the prevention, assessment, intervention and treatment of a wide spectrum of voice disorders.
  • A multi-dimensional structure, allowing the clinician to consider both specific aspects of patient management and aspects such as clinical effectiveness, clinical efficiencies and service management.
  • Photocopiable clinical resources, from an at-a-glance summary of voice disorders to treatment and assessment protocols, and practical exercises and advice sheets for patients.
  • Sample programmes for voice information groups and teacher workshops.
  • Checklists for patients on topics such as the environmental and acoustic challenges of the workplace.
  • Self-assessed personalised voice review sheets and weekly voice diaries encourage patients to monitor their voice quality and utilise strategies to prevent vocal misuse.

Combining the successful format of mixing theory and practice, this edition offers a patient-centred approach to voice disorders in a fully accessible and easy-to-read format and addresses the challenges of service provision in a changing world. This is an essential resource for speech and language therapists of varying levels of experience, from student to specialist.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1:

Anatomy Overview Introduction, The Respiratory System, The Phonatory System, The Resonatory System, Posture and Alignment, The Ageing Process Summary

Chapter 2:

The Spectrum Of Voice Disorders – Classification Introduction, Functional Voice Disorders, Organic Voice Disorders, Other Groups for Consideration, Summary

Chapter 3:

The Spectrum of Voice Disorders – Presentation Introduction, Functional Voice Disorders – Muscle Tension Dysphonia, Psychogenic Voice Disorder/Conversion Aphonia, Organic Voice Disorders – Structural, Organic Voice Disorders – Neurological, Head and Neck Cancer, Summary

Chapter 4:

Building The Patient Profile Introduction, The First Contact, Documenting Patient Information, Biographical Information, The Voice Disorder, Summary

Chapter 5:

Assessment Introduction, Perceptual Assessment, The Assessment Process, Instrumentation, Summary

Chapter 6:

Treatment And Management Strategies Introduction, Intervention: Interdependence of a Number of Factors, Achieving Lasting Change, The Role of the Clinician, The Patient’s Perception and Partnership, Clinical Effectiveness/Clinical Efficiencies, Prognostic Indicators, Goal Setting, Options for Therapy Programmes, Summary

Chapter 7:

Therapeutic Intervention Introduction, Treatment Approaches, Summary, Exercises

Chapter 8:

Shaping The Future Introduction, Service Provision, Endoscopic Evaluation of The Larynx (Eel), Post Covid-19, Telehealth, Summary



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Theory and Practice
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